Thursday, June 01, 2006

Five Good Things...about today....

...haven't posted in a while...[makes sad face]

1. Dunkin Donuts coffee.
makes me feel good all over, even though I totally guzzled it down and had a major caffeine no good with coffee.

2. feeling at peace.
been reading my book "Your Sacred Self: Making the Decision to be Free" by Wayne Dyer and I must say I'm feeling more @ peace everyday...and totally loving it.

3. feeling less worried/anxious/fearful/insecure/burdened....
see numero 2.

4. freshly done hair.
what a difference a trip to the hair dresser can do for a person's morale and self esteem.

5. new purse.
sounds waaaayyy girly, but man I love that purse and take it EVERYWHERE with me. I love it...fake leather smell and all.

6. Obligatory London comment
London: two weeks away. Freaking A.


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