Monday, June 26, 2006

Five Good Things...about today....

1. Getting on with my studying.
I'm feeling more focused!! Hopefully the feeling continues.

2. New job starts next week.
Even though I know it's gonna be maaaddd amounts of work (I just found out I have to be there at 7AM!!!!!), I look forward to having a place to go everyday where hopefully I can learn a lot while making a difference and contributing my small part.

3. Fast downloads.
Just downloaded like three albums! new music...yummm

4. Call from my sister.
She was calling for some advice. Was actually good to hear her voice.

5. Resolve.
Resolve to have my life structured and disciplined. I think that's what's best for me...and everyone who has to interact with me.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Five Good Things...about today....

Apologies to myself for not posting for a while...but the last couple of times I've tried to post, Blogger has acted like a little spoiled biatch and wasn't working...or I should say was taking too long to load...but anywhoo!!!!!

1. 2 days to London!!!!!!!
I am just soooo DAMN excited...but I feel like I shouldn't be because all my excitement and expectations for a bitching time might not actually happen. I really hope that isn't true. I want this trip to be a fun pleasant vacation.

2. The Chronicles of Narnia.
I bought the book, well a bigger book with all the smaller books(chronicles), to read on the plane. A little slow at first, but hopefully the chronicles of the little kiddies turn out to be interesting.

3. Got the TV out of my room.
Gave it to my little brother. Hopefully now I start reading more and killing brain cells less.

4. Worked yesterday.
I love having spending money.

5. Packing for London!!
YAY!!! nuff said....

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Five Good Things...about today....

...haven't posted in a while...[makes sad face]

1. Dunkin Donuts coffee.
makes me feel good all over, even though I totally guzzled it down and had a major caffeine no good with coffee.

2. feeling at peace.
been reading my book "Your Sacred Self: Making the Decision to be Free" by Wayne Dyer and I must say I'm feeling more @ peace everyday...and totally loving it.

3. feeling less worried/anxious/fearful/insecure/burdened....
see numero 2.

4. freshly done hair.
what a difference a trip to the hair dresser can do for a person's morale and self esteem.

5. new purse.
sounds waaaayyy girly, but man I love that purse and take it EVERYWHERE with me. I love it...fake leather smell and all.

6. Obligatory London comment
London: two weeks away. Freaking A.